When lefties are in charge of education

Times Online - Pupils are being rewarded for writing obscenities in their GCSE English examinations even when it has nothing to do with the question. One pupil who wrote “f*** off” was given marks for accurate spelling and conveying a meaning successfully. His paper was marked by Peter Buckroyd, a chief examiner who has instructed fellow examiners to mark in the same way. He told trainee examiners recently to adhere strictly to the mark scheme, to the extent that pupils who wrote only expletives on their papers should be awarded points.

To gain minimum marks in English, students must demonstrate “some simple sequencing of ideas” and “some words in appropriate order”. The phrase had achieved this, according to Mr Buckroyd. The chief examiner, who is responsible for standards in exams taken by 780,000 candidates and for training for 3,000 examiners, told The Times: “It would be wicked to give it zero, because it does show some very basic skills we are looking for – like conveying some meaning and some spelling. “It’s better than someone that doesn’t write anything at all. It shows more skills than somebody who leaves the page blank.”
So someone who swears obscenities at you is better than someone who is illiterate and probably doesn't hold animosity towards you, only lefties can spin it that way. It's real folks, don't believe me, believe the Times, you simply cannot make this stuff up. Folks like me are often quick to stick it to the left, and deservedly so, but even we who know what scumbags they can be are surprised at how bad it really is. You'd think the leftie government of Britain would like to rectify such absolute nonsense, no folks, they have more important things to do, like screw over the faith schools, you know those folks trying to instill some good Christian values into children, something that's desperately lacking in much of the western world. Heaven forbid, the children grow up to become hard working, dedicated, patriotic citizens with a sense of pride in themselves and their country, and with some morals and values. People who might not need anything from the welfare state, children who might not grow up to be crack-addicted, welfare queens.... have you gone completely insane!
Daily Mail - Faith schools are being subjected to a vicious Government witch-hunt which is undermining their independence, a report claims today. Prime Minister Gordon Brown and Children's Secretary Ed Balls are 'bashing' the schools to curry favour with Left-wingers in the Labour party, according to a report by the Centre for Policy Studies. [snip] Christina Odone, author of In Bad Faith and a former editor of the Catholic Herald, claims that the 'witch-hunt is on', from a Government that is obsessed with 'phoney egalitarianism and control freakery'.

It is 'aligning itself with the strident secularist lobby to threaten the future of faith schools in Britain'. She warns that the Government intends to remove their remaining autonomy, 'making them mere cogs in the vast and dysfunctional state educational bureacracy'. It means that a 'rich legacy is being betrayed'. She continues: 'Gordon Brown knows that for the "Old Labour" rump of the party, equally committed to secularism and comprehensive education, faith schools are anathema.

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