Say It With Skidmarks

By AR - Vivienne Westwood used her return to catwalk fashion after a nine year absence to parade her line of statement undies. The lingerie section is run by her son Mark Corre and he, together with human rights lawyer (need you ask?) Clive Stafford Smith, designed some protest knickers when Guantanamo Bay guards accused a terror support group... sorry, detainee support group of smuggling in clean undies to the inmates.

Says Corre, "I don't really mind who buys them, or if we sell any at all. As a company we've often taken an interest in the political theatre. Whoever said you can't mix business with politics is obviously an idiot, as the two are inextricably linked."

He's quick to accuse people of being idiots, certainly quicker than he is to accuse people caught fighting for Al Qaeda of being terrorists.

His market needn't be restricted to lefties. If he wants to sell more undies, I suggest he stick a portrait of the Gitmo inmates right over the arse region and on the inside. I got a few political statements of my own I could make.

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