Welcome to Australia

Well, it’s official, just shriek ‘refugee’ and you’re in (and aren't the lefties all falling over themselves over this one)!

Yes, thanks to that useless sack of treacherous rubbish (mister ‘safe seat’ himself), Petro Georgiou, who’s done bugger all for anyone much - ever - the ‘open door’ is once again very much in business. Yep’, all you have to do is bring in a child and say ‘refugee’, (who cares the grounds, because after all, why would you lie about something like that), and you’re in. Safe as houses.

REBEL Liberal MP Petro Georgiou says he's happy with the deal struck with Prime Minister John Howard over immigration detainees. . .

Rebel, huh? 'Swine' is more like it. But let’s see how rebellious (and happy) you are if the comfy seat of Kooyong gets pulled from under your rather ample ass, hey, Petro? Seriously, this guy needs to lose preselection – immediately. Because if this is all he’s good for, then he needs to be pissed off as quickly as possible.

I’m sick to death of the lies being peddled here; the notion that Australia gratuitously locks up refugees. Australia does not lock up refugees. By population, Australia is one of the largest welcomers of refugees on the face of the globe. Australia locks up people who arrive uninvited, without travel documents, or who overstay their visas and won't leave. That’s it. And just because someone screams ‘refugee’ when faced with the boot ('oh, but why would they lie') doesn’t mean they are (but just try telling that to your average, jack-boot lefty).

But enough of this.

Quite clearly, the only way to respond to this BS, once and for all, is to commence an immediate campaign to tighten Australia’s visa regulations, and particularly when it comes to high-risk nationalities (and you can stick your ‘racism’ tags where the Sun don’t shine. I even made it easy for you: check out the pretty red).

And when I say ‘tighten’, I’m suggesting something akin to an Eagle's ass in a power dive.

Here are just a few suggestions (feel free to add a few of your own):

Q: You have one or more children you wish to bring into our country on holiday with you? Yes?
A: Dear God, will someone turn off those alarms! No. No child visas; no exceptions. We’ll consider you, but your kids stay at home while you’re on ‘holiday’. Don’t like it? Try France. I hear the Riviera is nice.

Q: You have relatives living here with whom you wish to visit? Yes?
A: Sorry – you can just forget the whole deal right there.

Q: You have elderly relatives back home and to whom you are the only relations? Yes?
A: Woohoo – you must be kidding! Piss off out of our Consulate immediately!

Q: You have large assets (provable) back home, in the form of bricks and mortar, and which you would entirely forfeit were you not to return? Yes?
A: We’ll give that one some thought. . .

Update: scuttlebut has it that Petro might be facing some challengers, with a number of contenders looking to take him on over preselection. Good. The man is completely useless to his electorate (just ask them - any of them), and even more useless to us.

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